Sunday, December 16, 2012

Rise of the Guardians

Legends unite to protect the children of the world from Pitch, an evil nightmare that hopes to rule the world by keeping children from dreaming and believing.

This was a very creative and clever twist on traditional legendary characters. Santa Claus is a Russian mafioso type, while the Easter Bunny is a rugged Aussie.

They dispose of very time honored myths as well, i.e. the elves are pretty much useless and it is the yetis that do all of the actual toy making and the tooth fairy has an army of little pixies that do her collecting.

It also introduces old characters that children today may have never heard of.  The villain is done very well and is extremely creepy.

Again a very refreshing take on our classic holiday hero's, nevertheless, as inventive as this film is it goes on for about 45 minutes too long. The story dwindles towards the end and most of the audience could be seen checking their watches.

** 1/2 Rentable

Rated PG (thematic elements)

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