Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Bourne Legacy

A CIA agent and a research scientist both escape government assassination attempts. They now must depend on each other to survive.

It should come as no surprise as to how much fun and entertaining this was. Like the original movie in character development, content, and plot, it is action packed and lives up to it's predecessors without the obnoxious camera work.

The beginning of the movie is a tad complicated and confusing but give it a chance as the set up is slow. Nevertheless it picks up the pace and races to the end, leaving the audience a little shell shocked themselves.

The storyline is fun and leaves a huge opening not only for continued sequels, but for Matt Damon to return at any time. Edward Norton is amazing and Jeremy Renner does a spectacular job stepping into a role that is tough to compete with and makes it his own.

*** Must See

Rated PG-13 (for violence and language)


B&K said...

I can't wait to see it! Out of curiosity, was the filming "shaky" like the other movies (camera really bouncy and what not?)

Amanda Jayne Dibb said...

No, there is limited handheld camera work.

B&K said...

Awesome! Even more excited now!! :-)