Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Arthur Christmas

If one has ever wondered about the genealogy of Santa Claus, here is the answer.  Arthur is the current Santa's youngest son. He is a bit of a screw up, but loves Christmas. Loves everything about it. His older brother Steve, is in line to become the next Santa Claus and runs the show like a strict marine, introducing streamlined technology along the way. However when his perfect machine missed one child, it is up to Arthur and Grandpa Santa to save the day.

This was so unexpectedly clever and fun.  Truly a new and fresh idea to the story of Santa Claus.  The characters are fabulously developed along with the witty and heartfelt storyline.

This film is fun for children and adults and is easily one of the best and funnest Christmas flicks released ever -- let alone this year.

*** 1/2 Must See

Rated PG (for mild rude humor)

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