Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Green Hornet

A spoiled playboy inherits his fathers LA newspaper.  His aimless lifestyle comes into question as he and a trusted employee decide to use their new found resources as a way to come into focus, help their fellow man, and literally make the news.

I went into this flick with absolutely no expectations.  Seth Rogan in not a favorite of mine but has been known to have his moments.  However I didn't hold my breath as I sat down to watch this unknown superhero movie unfold.

The set up is a tad long and the movie has a few spots that drag.  The plot is still pretty tight  and finds new ways to present old hat comic book cliches.  Neither campy nor does it take itself seriously but it had a different tone than other, or should I say, most recent comic book adapts.  This is perhaps due to the fact that this was based on a radio program from the 30's.

It could be that I expected nothing or the fact that I was thoroughly oxygenated, but I was delightfully entertained by this.  Seth Rogan reigns in his traditional vulgar self for a more Jack Balckesque character and his side kick, Kato, steals practically every scene he is in.

Nothing to rush out and see, nevertheless, it is by far the best new thing currently in theatres.

** 1/2 Rentable

Rated PG-13 (for violence, language, and sexual content)

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