Friday, July 16, 2010


A group of spies covertly enter into peoples dreams to steal ideas.  When they get caught by one of their targets he offers them their lives in exchange for a plan of his own.  Now instead of extracting information they must try to plant an idea inside someone else in a way that he is convinced it is his own.

I can say with certainty that my summation of this plot is pretty weak.  I don't want to give too much away but still try and get the basic idea across.  So run with me on this.

OK so plot aside, this was one of the most visually stunning movies that I have seen in a long time.  Very high concept and really interesting.  The idea of creating dreams within dreams and controlling that environment -- Genius.

Now, back to the storyline.  Here is were I take issue with this flick.   Again as much of it was delightful eye candy I felt that it seriously lacked any sense of urgency.  There is nothing at stake.  The world will not come to an end if they fail.  Evil will not prevail.  No one will even die.  Someone else will just make more money.  Yes, there is a sub plot that tries to bring in some sort of emotional element, but it still is seriously lacking in any sort of real risk or consequence that makes one care if they succeed or not other than simple curiosity.   Which I guess is enough for some people, but I think they could have upped the ante.

Again visually amazing and the concept is interesting, I just felt that little if anything was at stake.  You know, make me hold my breath.  Oh well, fun enough to see on the big screen I suppose.

*** See it.

Rated PG-13 (for violence and language)

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