Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

A series of stories all merge together to tell the story of Valentine's Day.

I know my synopsis's are becoming more and more vague. I don't mean to be so cryptic, but I can't help it when there isn't much there to summarize to begin with. OK so perhaps I am being a tad hard on this particular movie. I went in expecting something similar to Love Actually or even He's Just Not That Into You and was so horrifically disappointed.

The set up alone took 45 minutes and by the time they had introduced all of the characters, not only had I figured out the entire story line, but I no longer cared. I totally love and appreciate the idea of multiple vignettes and having them all mesh together to make up one full length feature ala the two above mentioned flicks, however if you are going to do that then you need to do it quickly and do it well.

Not one of the story lines was original or endearing. The characters were annoying, cliché, and presumptuous. Also I saw this movie two days before Valentine's Day in a packed theatre full of twenty to thirty something girls -- I would dare to say they were all disenchanted, one actually stormed out in a huff, and several yelled out in objection through out the movie -- not a good sign.

* ½ Not-A-Chance

Rated PG-13 (for sexual material)

1 comment:

Simper Family said...

I agree. I finally got Erik to agree to go see this. WE NEVER GO TO MOVIES! Ugh what a waste of time!!! I wouldn't have even spent a dollar on it at the redbox nor would I tell anyone else to.