Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tropic Thunder

A group of high profile, self absorbed actors go to Vietnam to film a war-epic. While there, they're thrown into a real war with Vietnamese guerillas, thinking it's all part of the show, they soon realize it's all too real.

This movie is hilarious, it's directed by Ben Stiller, who also stars in it. Robert Downey Jr. steals the show by far. He plays a white, Australian actor, very much inspired by Russel Crowe, who has an operation to make himself black. He totally becomes black, complete with accent and all, and never breaks character, on or off camera. If you didn't know it was Robert Downey Jr., you would think it's some unkown actor. It's pretty amazing. Oh and not advertised at all for some reason is the roll of Tom Cruise as the heartless and impatient producer and he is quite funny as well. It gets pretty crass at some points, particularly Jack Black. And it kind of loses momentum about 3/4th's of the way through. But as Mandy said, it's a great jab at the movie industry and overall it's very funny and entertaining. Rated R for language violence.

*** out of 4

1 comment:

Hillary Corpuz said...

YEAH, what is up with Tom Cruise's suprize appearance in this film? Pretty great though!