Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Incredible Hulk

The Hulk is back! This is a remake, not a sequel, of the less than impressive 2003(?) Hulk. But the stories of each line up as so this could basically be a sequel. That said, it's still a remake, new actors, new director and it explains everything. We start with scientist Bruce Banner living in Brazil, trying to control and cure his condition while hiding from the US Army, which wants possession of his body and the monster it holds inside. The Army gets wind of his location and goes after him, and the adventure begins.

Marvel is 2 for 2 this summer with Iron Man and now the Incredible Hulk. This new version blows the 2003 version out of the water. There's never a dull moment, this movie is packed with action. It's a fun and well done superhero movie, definitely does the Hulk character justice. Edward Norton, who co-wrote the story, does a great job as Bruce Banner and the rest of the cast is solid. The special fx are very well done, and thankfully Hulk is the right size this time instead of the size of King Kong. Some of the close ups on Hulk are amazing, his skin and muscles look absolutely real, like they were filmed on set. There are some beautiful shots of rolling hills in Brazil completely covered with houses, really cool looking and it makes a great setting for a chase scene. The climax of this movie is truly epic with an amazing fight between Hulk and his nemesis, the Abomination, loads of fun, awesome stuff. Now that Marvel has taken full control of their movies with no studio interference, they're doing some very cool crossover stuff with all of these superheros. If you haven't seen Iron Man yet, you may want to before you see The Hulk, as there is a very cool cameo by Tony Stark aka Iron Man that gives more clues to the upcoming Captain America and The Avengers. Speaking of cameos, watch for the actor that played the Hulk in the 70's tv show. Oh, small tangent. Please turn your phones off while in the theater. When someone opens their phone in a pitch black theater, it's a tad noticeable. I sat next to a kid that literally texted throughout the entire movie! There's no way he could tell you what the movie was about because he was texting away the entire time and lighting up the theater!! I hate that. But anyway, it still didn't stop me from enjoying the movie, loads of fun, a great time at the movies.

***1/2 out of 4

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