Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Other Boleyn Girl

King Henry the Eighth finds himself with out a male heir and a Queen who can no longer bare children. Enter the Boleyn Family. With two young girls that just might please the King, their Uncle takes every opportunity to put them in the middle of the Royal Court.

This movie was actually very entertaining, however completely and totally historically inaccurate. The film makers obviously didn't take the tour at the Tower of London, where the local Beef Eater guards tell the story of Anne Boleyn daily. Nevertheless it is a fun fictorical (that's a new word I made-up) drama. Two sisters battling for the affections of a King that according the Catholic Church isn't available, beheadings, babies, war. Doesn't it sound romantic?

** 1/2 Rentable

Rated PG-13 (Sexual Content and some beheadings)

1 comment:

Hillary Corpuz said...

I read the book and was super disapointed by this movie. It skips over so much history that I felt like there was holes all over the place..